Terry L. Czechowskyj

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Address: 900, 517 – 10th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8
Lawyer Firm: Miles Davison LLP
Phone: 403-298-0326
Fax: 403-263-6840
Email: tczech@milesdavison.com
Website: milesdavison.com

First Year of Call
1985 Alberta

Areas of Practice
Civil Litigation, Insolvency

As a managing partner and one of the country’s pre-eminent voices on insolvency, Terry brings a wealth of experience to the firm and his clients.
Terry is a collaborator by nature. His first aim is always to find common ground and resolve issues as effectively as possible. That said, over his career there have been more than a few times when consensus was not able to be reached. In those instances Terry doesn’t hesitate to take those matters to court. He has been lead counsel on more than 50 reported trial and appeal decisions.

An experienced litigator and one of the most well-versed lawyers in Canada on insolvency matters, Terry has represented receivers, trustees in bankruptcy, creditors and financial institutions. From 2007 to 2019 he was called upon by the Federal Department of Justice to assist the United Nations Working Group on insolvency regarding cross border issues.

When he’s not in the office, Terry is likely lacing up his runners and hitting the pavement. An avid runner he has participated in a variety of races from 10km to marathons across the country. He’s always looking for new adventures, and loves to travel.

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