Rhonda Quinton

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Address: 900, 517 – 10th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8
Lawyer Firm: Miles Davison LLP
Phone: 403-201-2711
Fax: 403-263-6840
Email: rquinton@milesdavison.com
Website: milesdavison.com

First Year of Call
1993 Alberta

Areas of Practice
Wills & Estates

Rhonda compassionately helps her clients plan for an unknown future.
Contemplating the end of life is never easy. It’s why Rhonda undertakes every interaction with the utmost care, and a focus on collaboration. The planning she does means her clients’ families don’t have the added burden of deciding how family assets should be handled at the end of life. As Rhonda’s clients will attest, the first time they walk into her office it’s hard, but they always leave feeling lighter.

Rhonda was born and raised in Calgary, attending Sir Winston Churchill High School, but her educational and work experiences have taken her to Europe and across Canada – after being called to the Bar in Alberta, she relocated to BC and was called to the BC Bar where she worked for 20 years before returning home to Calgary. During her time in Maple Ridge, BC she was actively involved in her community as a director of the Maple Ridge Arts Council, the Ridge Meadows Hospice Society and the Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation. Rhonda is a mother of two grown children. She is currently a volunteer with Calgary Legal Guidance and is on the Board of Directors of the University of Calgary Dinos Fastball Society. She is also an avid traveler and dog lover.

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