Riley Gallant

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Address: #1100, 10117 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5J 1W8
Lawyer Firm: Latitude Family Law
Phone: 780-784-0628
Fax: 780-784-0629

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Family Law

Riley Gallant is from Saskatoon, SK. She graduated from the University of Saskatchewan College of Law in 2008. She relocated to Edmonton to article with Legal Aid Alberta and became a member of the Law Society of Alberta in July 2009. She became a member of the Law Society of Saskatchewan in August 2010 and maintains an inactive membership in Saskatchewan. Riley practiced family law with both Legal Aid Alberta and Legal Aid Saskatchewan’s Family Law Offices at the beginning of her career, with a focus on child welfare litigation. Riley has experience in all levels of Alberta Courts. She is a trained mediator, a registered Collaborative Family Lawyer, and she enjoys representing children in high-conflict parenting matters. Riley also participates in the Legal Advice for Survivors of Sexual Violence program administered by the Elizabeth Fry Society.

Riley is active in the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) Alberta, having sat on the executive committees for the Child and Youth (North) and Solo, Small Firm and General Practice (North) sections for several years. She has been a member of the Family Law (North) section executive since 2014, acting as Chair from 2019-2021. She will be serving as one of CBA Alberta’s North Section Representatives between 2021 and 2023. Riley also enjoys mentoring law students. She has participated in the CBA’s law student mentorship program since 2013, is a former advisor to U of A’s Student Legal Services Family Law Program, is an advisor to U of A’s SLS/Pro Bono Students Canada Trans ID Clinic, and she has coached the U of A Faculty of Law’s Family Law Negotiation moot team.

In her spare time Riley enjoys volunteering, traveling, painting, and taking her dog to agility classes.

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