Amanda Baretta

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Address: #1100, 10117 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5J 1W8
Lawyer Firm: Latitude Family Law
Phone: 780-784-0628
Fax: 780-784-0629

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Family Law

Amanda Baretta attended the University of Alberta Law School from 2008 to 2011. From 2010 to 2011 she participated in the Low Income People and the Law Clinic and was placed with the Family Law Office, a program of Legal Aid Alberta. Amanda graduated in 2011, articled with Legal Aid Alberta and Cochard Johnson, and was called to the bar in 2012. Practicing exclusively in the areas of family law and child protection law, Amanda is a litigation lawyer, mediator, and registered Collaborative Family Lawyer and is trained and experienced in representing children and youth in high conflict matters.

Amanda is a member of the Canadian Bar Association and is a member on both the Family Law North Section and Child and Youth North Section executive committees. She also sits on the Court of Queen’s Bench Family Law Consulting Committee. Amanda volunteers with the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society and the Just-Us Girls Justice Committee.

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