William D. Anderson

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Address: 2 Queen St. E., Suite 1500 Toronto, Ontario M5C 3G5
Lawyer Firm: Blaney McMurtry LLP
Phone: 416-593-3901
Fax: 416-593-5437
Email: wanderson@blaney.com
Website: www.blaney.com

First Year of Call
Ontario, 1991

Areas of Practice
Employment Law

Bill has acted as strategic advisor to his clients on a wide range of work and business-related issues for over 25 years. As a senior lawyer, Bill provides practical and strategic advice to private and public sector employers in all matters related to wrongful dismissal, human rights complaints, employment standards claims, union organizing campaigns, collective bargaining, grievance arbitration and occupational health and safety.

Employers and executives look to Bill for advice and direction with their union problems, employment contracts, certification drives, collective agreements, terminations, and wrongful dismissal litigation. His practice extends to corporate compliance and merger and acquisition work for American and Canadian multinationals. Bill is particularly involved in industries relating to the retail, construction, security and health care.

Bill is a passionate advocate for his clients and regularly appears before the Ontario Labour Relations Board, the Canada Industrial Relations Board, our Superior Courts, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal and private arbitrators.

Recent successes include:

Dismissal of Application for Certification;
Sale of Insurance Company;
Dismissal of large multi-party Human Rights Complaint;
Negotiation of Executive’s Severance Package;
Interest Arbitration in Aviation Sector;
Mass lay-off in unionized corporate restructuring.

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