Sandra E. Dawe

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Address: 700-250 University Ave. Toronto, Ontario M5H 3E5
Lawyer Firm: Shibley Righton LLP
Phone: 416-214-5481
Fax: 416-214-5482

First Year of Call
1989 (Ontario)

Areas of Practice
Civil Litigation, Commercial Law

Sandra Dawe, the Firm’s Managing Partner, thinks of herself as a barrister, in the classical sense of that word – an advocate whose primary skill is the ability to speak for her clients.

Sandra grew up in the second-largest city in Newfoundland, Corner Brook (pop. 25,000). But like many Newfoundlanders, Sandra is now “away”, despite her still very strong links to the province of her youth. After obtaining her B. Comm. at Memorial University in Newfoundland, she toyed with the possibility of going into business. Instead, she came to the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto. She articled at Shibley Righton, and joined the Firm as a litigation lawyer in 1989.

Today Sandra’s practice is still based mainly on her business background. As a litigation partner, she has a practice encompassing commercial litigation, insurance and professional liability defence work. Many of the proceedings she handles are complex and document-intensive, and involve multiple witnesses and expert opinion evidence. Her defence of professionals focuses on accountants, and typically relates to commercial disputes.

As a barrister, Sandra has appeared as an advocate before the Superior Court of Justice, the Ontario Court of Appeal, the Tax Court of Canada and the Ontario Municipal Board. She also has significant experience in the negotiation of settlements and the use of A.D.R..

Sandra is the mother of one daughter, and the servant of two rescue cats, Guinness and Goose. Sandra is also an equestrian, training and showing in dressage.

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