Melissa Birman

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Address: 3400 One First Canadian Place PO Box 130, Stn. 1st Can. Pl. Toronto, Ontario M5X 1A4
Lawyer Firm: Bennett Jones LLP
Phone: 416-777-6518
Fax: 416-863-1716

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Commercial Law

Melissa Birman is a knowledge management lawyer, supporting the firm’s corporate practice groups in all offices.

Prior to her current role, Melissa maintained a general corporate commercial law practice at the firm, with a focus on corporate development and governance. She advised clients on various matters, including private equity and debt transactions, private mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, shareholder arrangements and director protection (directors’ duties, indemnification and insurance).

Melissa is the author of a chapter in Directors’ Duties in Canada, 6th Edition (LexisNexis 2016), and was a co-editor of prior editions.

Melissa joined Bennett Jones after summering and articling with the firm.

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