Lennox O. Picart

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Address: 183 Front St. PO Box 1327, Stn. Main Belleville, Ontario K8N 5J1
Lawyer Firm: Reynolds O’Brien LLP
Phone: 613-966-3031
Fax: 613-966-2390
Email: lpicart@reynoldsobrien.com
Website: reynoldsobrien.com

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Family Law, Criminal Law

Lennox Picart has been with the firm since 2001. Lennox practices criminal and family law as well as general civil litigation. He also represents clients with respect to CPP disability pension claims and Ontario Disability Support claims.

Lennox graduated from Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick in 1989 with a degree in Economics and History. He received his Master of Arts in History from the University of New Brunswick in 1993 and his law degree from Dalhousie Law School in 1997.

Lennox is a resident of Belleville. He is a former Director of the Hastings County Law Association and is a member of the Ontario Bar Association. Lennox coaches minor league football and is an avid golfer.

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