Una Radoja

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Address: 745 Thurlow Street, Suite 2400, Vancouver, BC V6E 0C5
Lawyer Firm: McCarthy Tetrault LLP
Phone: 604-643-7187
Fax: 604-643-7900
Email: uradoja@mccarthy.ca
Website: mccarthy.ca

First Year of Call
British Columbia, 2008

Areas of Practice
Civil Litigation

Una Radoja is a partner in McCarthy Tétrault’s Litigation Group and is based in Vancouver. A leading lawyer in environmental law and commercial litigation, she has extensive experience in successfully representing diverse clients on complex litigation matters and providing comprehensive solutions that lead them to success.

Clients turn to Una for her unique expertise and astute judgment, as well as for her guidance on their most difficult legal and business challenges. She approaches each matter with tenacity, creativity, and strategic insight and is a trusted advisor to organizations of all sizes, delivering strategic advice that enables them to resolve novel and routine challenges and attain their business goals. Exceptional at simplifying complex issues, Una is known for her business acumen and practical guidance that allows clients to protect their best interests, mitigate risks, and advance their projects and their business. She represents a wide array of clients, from small businesses to large, multi-national corporations and REITs.

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