Timothy C. Bourne

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Address: Suite 601 11 Holland Ave. Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4S1
Lawyer Firm: Ridout & Maybee LLP
Phone: 613-236-3807
Fax: 613-236-2485
Email: tbourne@ridoutmaybee.com
Website: http://www.ridoutmaybee.com

Areas of Practice
Patents; Trademarks; Copyright; Industrial Designs; Licensing; Intellectual Property Litigation

B.Sc., (Science), 1993, McMaster University; LL.B., 1998, University of Victoria; Barrister & Solicitor, Province of Ontario, 2000; Registered Patent Agent, Canada, 2002; Registered Trade-mark Agent, Canada, 2003

Tim Bourne is a partner with Ridout & Maybee LLP in the Ottawa office. Tim’s practice covers a range of intellectual property areas including trademark and patent drafting and prosecution as well as advising clients on domain names and licensing.

Tim clerked with a judge of the Federal Court after completing a LL.B. at the University of Victoria in 1998 and B.Sc. at McMaster University in 1993. He joined the firm in 2001. Since then, Tim has represented the firm’s clients in patent, trade-mark and industrial design disputes before administrative tribunals and the Federal Court. He actively searches for opportunities to resolve disputes in a creative yet pragmatic manner that addresses our clients’ business goals. Tim’s experience resolving disputes influences the strategic advice that he provides to our clients during the prosecution of patent, trade-mark and industrial design applications.

Tim also has a special interest in the enforcement of trade-mark rights in the domain name context and online. He adjudicates .ca domain name disputes under the Canadian Internet Registration Authority’s Dispute Resolution Procedure. Tim teaches Advanced Trade-marks Law at the University of Ottawa.

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