Talia K. Bregman
Address: 3400 One First Canadian Place PO Box 130, Stn. 1st Can. Pl. Toronto, Ontario M5X 1A4
Lawyer Firm: Bennett Jones LLP
Phone: 416-777-4833
Fax: 416-863-1716
Email: bregmant@bennettjones.com
Website: bennettjones.com
First Year of Call
Ontario, 2013
Areas of Practice
Employment Law
Talia Bregman has a management-side employment law practice. She advises both federally and provincially regulated employers on all aspects of employment law from drafting employment contracts and workplace policies to negotiating termination packages and workforce reductions. Talia also provides advice on labour and employment related aspects of corporate transactions.
Talia summered and articled with the firm before becoming an associate. She is a member of the Canadian Bar Association and the Ontario Bar Association and is also a registered notary public.