Samantha Weng

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Address: 3400 One First Canadian Place PO Box 130, Stn. 1st Can. Pl. Toronto, Ontario M5X 1A4
Lawyer Firm: Bennett Jones LLP
Phone: 416-777-5526
Fax: 416-863-1716

First Year of Call
Ontario, 2017

Areas of Practice
Real Estate

Samantha Weng’s practice centres on the acquisition, disposition, financing and leasing of commercial properties throughout Ontario and Samantha has represented real estate developers, senior housing providers, institutional and private lenders, as well as trustees in bankruptcy and insolvency in these matters.
Prior to law school, Samantha worked as a non-professional in the legal industry in the area of mining. At law school, she was actively involved with the Osgoode Real Estate Law Association and the Asian Law Students of Osgoode, having served as Vice-President and Co-President, respectively.

Samantha is fluent in Mandarin and holds a certificate in business translation and interpretation (Mandarin/English) from the University of British Columbia.

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