Michelle Kudlats

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Address: 1200 Bay St., Suite 700 Toronto, Ontario M5R 2A5
Lawyer Firm: Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers
Phone: 416-920-4242 Ext: 2207
Fax: 416-923-8358
Email: michellek@neinstein.com
Website: www.neinstein.com

Areas of Practice
Personal Injury Law

Michelle is a Partner at Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers LLP. Her practice is focused on personal injury litigation including motor vehicle accidents, occupier’s liability, and long-term disability cases, as well as medical malpractice. Michelle is known as a compassionate lawyer who keenly understands how to tell her clients’ stories to optimize their access to justice.

As a litigator, Michelle prides herself on being the voice for her clients. She has extensive experience across the tribunal system, conducting arbitrations, and appearing at trial including her most recent victory in Hemmings (litigation guardian of) v Peng (2022 OJ No 2674). Michelle’s strength in deciphering complex medicine and facts has made her an excellent and frequently referred advocate.

Michelle is a proud graduate from the University of Western Ontario Law School. Prior to that, Michelle obtained her Honours degree in Political Science, focusing on the judicial system, public policy, and social justice. Michelle is often asked to speak on medical-legal topics, including at the University Health Network’s Brain Injury Conference.

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