Katelyn Weller

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Address: 3400 One First Canadian Place PO Box 130, Stn. 1st Can. Pl. Toronto, Ontario M5X 1A4
Lawyer Firm: Bennett Jones LLP
Phone: 416-777-4850
Fax: 416-863-1716
Email: wellerk@bennettjones.com
Website: bennettjones.com

First Year of Call
Ontario, 2015

Areas of Practice
Commercial Litigation

Katelyn Weller’s practice encompasses a wide-range of management-side labour and employment law issues, including employment standards, workplace harassment complaints and investigations, human rights, accommodation, accessibility, performance management and employee terminations. She regularly assists with drafting and updating workplace policies and employment agreements. Katelyn has represented clients in a variety of wrongful dismissal and human rights matters at judicial and administrative proceedings, as well as attended at, and worked to resolve, numerous grievance arbitrations. Katelyn also provides advice on labour and employment related aspects of corporate transactions.

Prior to joining Bennett Jones, Katelyn worked as in-house labour and employment counsel at a utility company and was previously an associate at another leading Canadian law firm.

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