Jennifer T. Arrigo

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Address: 304 O’Connor Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 1V7
Lawyer Firm: Auger Hollingsworth Professional Corporation
Phone: 613-704-8594

First Year of Call
Ontario, 2002

Areas of Practice
Personal Injury Law

Jennifer Arrigo came to Ottawa for university after growing up in London, ON, fell in love with the city and never left.

Jennifer attended the University of Ottawa for both her undergraduate degree in Honours Criminology and for law school. While at law school she worked at the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic in the Women’s Division exclusively providing legal services to women who had been victims of violence.

Jennifer articled at a litigation boutique firm in Ottawa and then began her career in 2002 in private practice at a national firm and then moved to a well-respected local full-service firm handling various types of litigation including plaintiff and defence-side personal injury claims. In 2011 Jennifer became in-house litigation counsel for an insurance company and has now come back to private practice re-invigorated and ready to put her experience and skills to work benefiting her personal injury clients.

Jennifer’s service to her community is varied and broad. She is a Deputy Judge of the Small Claims Court. She is a tutor for Law Society of Ontario lawyer licensing candidates and is a coach for the University of Ottawa Tort Moot competition. Jennifer is also a member of the CCLA Civil Litigation Conference planning committee and has been called upon many times to act as moderator, panel member or speaker at legal training programs. Outside of law, Jennifer has several volunteer roles within her church community, including acting as Chair of the Refugee Committee and a member of the Pastoral Council.

While Jennifer’s husband and three boys have made her a student of hockey, her personal passion is music. She is an amateur musician who plays in several community orchestras including the Ottawa Chamber Orchestra and the Strings of St. John’s.

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