James Jeffcott

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Address: 1565 Carling Avenue, 4th Floor, Carling Executive Park, Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 8R1
Lawyer Firm: Low Murchison Radnoff LLP
Phone: 613-768-5409
Fax: 613-236-7942
Email: jjeffcott@lmrlawyers.com
Website: lmrlawyers.com

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Business Law, Civil Litigation

James Jeffcott (Jim) is the Head of Low Murchison Radnoff’s Family Law Group and a member of the firm’s Management Committee. His practice is primarily focused on family law and estates and succession law matters. Jim takes a practical approach to resolving disputes and in assisting his clients in achieving their goals. No matter in which area of law he is practicing, Jim ensures that his clients’ interests are protected and that the best possible outcome is achieved. Jim is a trained mediator and can mediate most areas of dispute. He is often hired by people who want to rely upon his expertise and experience to allow them to resolve their issues in a non-adversarial forum.

Jim is a founding member and is the Past President of Collaborative Practice Ottawa (CPO) and immediate Past President of the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals (OACP). The OACP and CPO are groups that promote the Collaborative Process to assist families in resolving conflicts in a principled way for the benefit of the whole family. The principles of collaborative practice are used by Jim, when appropriate, in the other areas of his practice to successfully achieve negotiated resolutions to contentious matters, allowing his clients to avoid the costs and pitfalls of the litigation process.

Jim also provides assistance to his clients in the areas of Business Law and General Litigation.

Jim Jeffcott is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, on the Board of the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals, Collaborative Practice Ottawa, and belongs to the Canadian Bar Association, the County of Carleton Law Association, and the International Corrections and Prisons Association for the Advancement of Professional Corrections. He can converse with clients and take instructions in the French language.

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