Jacques S. Darche, C.Arb

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Address: 1000 rue de la Gauchetiere O, bureau 900, Montreal, QC, H3B 5H4
Lawyer Firm: Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Phone: (514) 954-3156
Email: jdarche@blg.com
Website: http://www.blg.com

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Areas of Practice
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Ethics, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Civil Litigation, Franchising, Real Property, Wills, Estates and Trusts


Jacques S. Darche, C.Arb is a partner at the law firm Borden Ladner Gervais LLP in Montreal. Perfectly bilingual (French and English), Jacques was admitted to the Québec Bar in 1992, is a member of the Paris Bar and is a graduate of the Université de Montréal Law School. He also obtained a BA (business administration and political science) from Bishop’s University. In addition, he completed the Diploma course in International Commercial Arbitration offered by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). Jacques acts as counsel to parties involved in both international and domestic commercial arbitrations and he also represents parties in the homologation, recognition or contestation of arbitral awards and regularly serves as arbitrator and mediator in commercial disputes. He specialises in commercial litigation and he practices in the following areas: commercial litigation, international commercial arbitration, real estate litigation and expropriation, franchise law, international fraud, estate litigation, shareholder disputes, insolvency and financial restructuring. Jacques is a multifaceted litigator who strives for results and value added for the parties he represents. His experience is regularly sought after by various clients facing complex problems. Thanks to his knowledge and experience, he masters the workings of Québec’s civil courts, as well as the rules of various international commercial arbitral institutions. He is a Chartered Arbitrator and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), a Certified Arbitrator and Mediator of the Institut de médiation et d’arbitrage du Québec (IMAQ) and of the Québec Bar as well as a Fellow of the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution (AIADR). He is on the International Panel of Arbitrators of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), on the Presidential Panel of Arbitrators of the CIArb and on the Panel of Certified International ADR Practitioners of the AIADR. He is a member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), the Arbitration Committee of ICC Canada, the ICC Institute of World Business Law, the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), the International Association of Lawyers (UIA) as well as the International (IBA) and Canadian (CBA) Bar Associations. He is a Tutor and Examiner on the approved faculty of the CIArb for international commercial arbitration and regularly provides training and conferences on trial advocacy and arbitration. He is the Secretary and a Director of the CARO (Centre d’Arbitrage Régional OHADAC), he is the Vice-President of the Newman Centre of McGill University and he is Chair of the Montréal-Ottawa Chapter of the CIArb. He is also the Honorary Consul of Finland for Montréal and the Greater Montréal Area.

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