Gavin T. Cosgrove

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Address: 1 Hyperion Crt. Kingston, Ontario K7K 7G3
Lawyer Firm: Bergeron Clifford LLP
Phone: 613-384-5886
Fax: 613-384-0501

Areas of Practice
Personal Injury Law

Gavin Cosgrove is a graduate of Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School in Kingston. Upon graduation, he attended Manhattan College (New York, NY) on an athletic scholarship where he competed in track and field. Gavin completed his legal studies at the University of New Brunswick.

Gavin joined Bergeron Clifford in the summer of 2009 and is now a partner with our firm.

Gavin is a proud member of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, the Frontenac Law Association, the County of Carleton Law Association, The Advocates’ Society, and the County of Lanark Law Association. He represents clients in auto cases, medical malpractice and negligence cases.

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