Cedric Marin

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Address: 265 Carling Ave. Ottawa, Ontario K1S 2E1
Lawyer Firm: Marin Immigration Law
Phone: 613-518-0636
Email: cedric@marinimmigrationlaw.ca
Website: marinimmigrationlaw.ca

First Year of Call
2018 (ON)

Areas of Practice
Immigration Law

Cedric Marin is a Canadian Immigration Lawyer (English/français) at Marin Immigration Law. Cédric has five years of experience in immigration and refugee law. Previously, Cédric was a law clerk at the Federal Court of Canada, a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, and an expert at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Cedric holds degrees in Civil Law (LLL), Juris Doctor (JD), and Masters of Law (LLM) from the University of Ottawa, where he ranked third in his Juris Doctor program. He is an active member of the Canadian Immigration Lawyer Association (CILA) and the Canadian Bar Association (CBA). Moreover, Cédric is licensed to practice law with the Law Society of Ontario (74336V).

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