Alessia Grossi

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Address: 135 Queens Plate Drive, Suite 600, Toronto, On M9W 6V7
Lawyer Firm: Loopstra Nixon LLP
Phone: 416-748-5240
Fax: 416-746-8319
Email: agrossi@LN.Law

First Year of Call

Areas of Practice
Employment Law

Alessia is an associate in the firm’s Employment and Labour, and Sports Law groups.

As a management-side employment lawyer, she routinely advises on a broad range of employment issues, including HR management, terminations, employment standards issues, and litigation avoidance.

Alessia has experience litigating wrongful dismissals actions, breaches of restrictive covenants, and Human Rights Code violations. She provides advice during mergers, acquisitions and other corporate transactions, and has experience dealing with the Ministry of Labour.

Alessia has also appeared on behalf of management in labour grievance arbitrations.

Alongside her employment and labour practice, Alessia also continues to develop her practice as a sports lawyer, representing both coach and athlete clients in mediations, arbitrations and before a number of disciplinary panels.

She has appeared before the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Ontario Small Claims Court, and on behalf of clients in a number of mediations.

Alessia obtained her JD from Queens University and also holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto.

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